The Shake: June 6, 2021
The Shake is your weekly recap of the Handshake ecosystem and protocol.
/ Tech / Stats
TLD Market Dynamics Community member blockdomains/ published Part One is a new series of posts on market dynamics for Handshake top level domains.
The Future of Browsers Yuriy Dybskiy of Puma Browser spoke on Handshake and new decentralized web protocols at the Future of the Browser Conference.
Economies of Scale The Handshake ecosystem is made up of several economies — mining, naming, and speculating. Understand the value capture and expansion mechanisms present in HNS with this graphic from Steven McKie.
Learn HNS The Handshake resource website that features educational graphics, articles, podcasts, and more has been revamped with fresh content and design.
Web3 We covered Handshake analytics for Our Network’s Web3-focused issue highlighting on chain auction data, secondary markets and network security.
Community /
/ Stats
ShakeDex Listen to Handshake developer Kurumi discuss their vision for HNS and building robust, stable software to get there — from ShakeDex, a decentralized exchange protocol, to a second HNS client. And on their choice to go anonymous, Kurumi put it simply:
If a hentai character can produce something meaningful, so can you.
Akash Handshake nodes are coming to Akash Network, the protocol for decentralized compute. The dWeb comes together emergently through these sorts of interoperable integrations.
Community / Tech /
$HNS Metrics
Primary Name Markets
Secondary Name Markets
Handshake Resources
Wallet:Â Bob
Exchange: Namebase | ShakeDex
Explorer: BlockExplorer | HNSfans | HNScan
Learn: Use Cases | Learn HNS
Resolve: HDNS | Puma | Handy | NextDNS
Data: ShakeStats | NB | Mining