The Shake: Oct. 10, 2021
A weekly recap on the Handshake protocol and ecosystem
Facebook Outage This week, Facebook/Instagram/WhatsApp were down due to a BGP issue. DNS Servers were being queried more heavily than normal by so many people trying (and failing) to connect to FB, impacting performance for all DNS queries on all DNS servers. It’s always DNS, even when it’s not technically DNS.
Rift A decentralized workspace built on Skynet and Handshake nameservers released its Docs application. Use Rift for document editing, file sharing, deploying sites, managing DNS, and more while retaining full ownership of your data.
HandyHost Host, compute and browse, decentralized. HandyHost is an all-in-one suite to manage DWeb protocols and assets from your desktop or mobile web browser for Siacoin / DVPN / Akash. And it bundles a Handshake resolver, too, allowing for quick access to browsing the metaverse. Set up videos can be found here.
HTools Handshake dev Rithvik Vibhu released Handshake Login and ID Manager, a suite of tools for websites and ID managers to authenticate users with Handshake names. Applications can enable TLDs as login akin to Namer News, or perhaps any TLD can roll their own login system for user-owner subdomains.
Handshake Labs The HNSNetwork block explorer has been open sourced by the lead developer Alexander Shevtsov.
Names Opened: 1.99M
HNS Burned: 23.75M (5.89% of Circulating Supply)
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