The Shake: Jan. 24, 2021
The Shake is a weekly recap of the Handshake ecosystem and protocol.
/ Tech / Stats
Showcase: Namebase has released an app showcase — a collection of Handshake apps and other tools for building on the protocol. Submit your own app or tutorial to be featured.
Countdown: This is the final week of Handshake’s first year in production. With it’s birthday approaching on February 3rd also comes the end of weekly TLD releases and the availability of all remaining names. Community member Rithvik Vibhu is tracking historic events on a new Handshake Countdown site.
dLinks: Netherlands artist Lange Frans set up a dLinks page:
NamesCon: The domain conference is coming this week from Jan 27-29th.
Community /
/ Stats
Brave + IPFS: Brave becomes the first browser to offer native IPFS integration. IPFS allows users to access information stored across multiple servers rather than a single server with HTTP.
Bluesky: Twitter’s research team for decentralization, bluesky, released an ecosystem review around protocols for social media. The 61-page report covered protocols, applications, and topics such as data and identity. Handshake was referenced as a relevant blockchain identity system.
Margin Trading: Exchange MXC launches margin trading for HNS.
Community / Tech /
Name Stats
Total Names Registered: 486k TLDs, 1 week change: +5.2%
Top Name Auction This Week: http://r/ for 100,001 HNS ($12,669)
Top Name Resale This Week: http://akash/ for 48,700 HNS ($6,169)
$HNS Stats
Total $HNS Burned: 15.99M HNS, 1 week change: +1.91%
Total $HNS Locked: 47.3M HNS, 1 week change: +2.16%
Circulating $HNS Supply: 17.2%, 1 week change: +0.88%